What makes WODWhere so special?
Quick History
WODWhere was developed to replace the whiteboard at a gym with a computerized “chalkboard” that displays the daily work-outs, allows members to record their scores, and allows them to track their progress against themselves and others. By storing this information in a central database each member can access the information when and where they desire, and the coaches at the gyms can get an overall view of how their members are progressing. -
Multi-device Support
Currently, WodWhere is designed to run on both Android and iOS devices, as well as via the web. All three mediums were seperately designed and coded to best reflect the given atmosphere. You can purchase the app through the respective App Stores. To access the web app, please follow this link WODWhere -
WodWhere gives accesbility to the user like never before. Not only are the day's WOD's posted on the homepage, but if YOU have previously attempted the same WOD it will let you know how you did. If you can't remember what your time was 3 weeks ago on "Fran", the easy to use search tool can take you back. Recording has never been easier. Just follow the on-screen prompts and your WOD is logged into the system.
If you decide to workout on your own at a CrossFit gym, you can still use our App! Our custom workout feature allows you to record any workout you choose with our tracking software included!